How to Be The Best Bridesmaid


Being a bridesmaid involves more than just wearing complementary outfits and being around the bride. Having good etiquette and generally being a good sport also matters, not just to the bride and the rest of the wedding party, but to the guests as well. Below are some practical tips on how you can be the perfect bridesmaid:

Pay for Something

As much as the bride selected you and will probably pay for your outfit for the day, it’s always good to pay for some of the things you will use, such as shoes and accessories. This not only gives you more flexibility on the things you buy but will also portray you as a classy person. 

Additionally, save up some cash for the bridal shower and bachelorette. You can use this money to buy gifts for the bride, or contribute to the wedding planning costs.

Be Good to The Bride

All prospective brides want their big days to go as smoothly as possible and the anxiety and stress of the planning process can sometimes be overwhelming. As such, you should try not to stress the bride even more by complaining about the expenses and obligations you are expected to cover. You can vent to your best friend, cry to your therapist, or scream at the wall – just don’t let it get to her. Let her enjoy her moment as you would want to do if you were in her position.

Show Up

Being chosen to be a bridesmaid is a big honor, and shows how much the bride values you and wants you to be part of her team. And for that reason, it’s only polite that you show up to the wedding, and all the events surrounding it, unless you have a major reason not to. Also, try to be on time – you don’t want to look like the diva who wants to upend the bride on her moments of joy.

Be There for the Bride

Whether it’s the wedding day, or at the shower, you really need to be supportive of the bride. Gently encourage her when she confesses her last-minute jitters, help her with her makeup and dressing, and attentively listen to all her stories. Remember, many brides are highly stressed on their wedding day and as a good friend, you need to be as supportive as possible.

Be Good Company

Everyone hates snobs, especially at joyful events like weddings. As such, you should try to be as cordial with the rest of the bridal party as you possibly can. You may know some of them well and be a complete stranger to others, but try to be as cheery and interactive as you can. You will be spending a lot of time with them and it helps a lot to not have any bad blood with anyone.

If you are a good bridesmaid, you will not just satisfy the bride’s seemingly high hopes on you, but also make new and possibly everlasting friendships with your fellow maids. Who knows, they may also go to the same lengths when you decide to tie the knot.

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