How to Give A Wedding Toast


Toasting is one of those things you won’t hear being mentioned in most wedding planning meetings, but it’s still an invaluable part of the wedding reception ceremony. In fact, some couples insist that the toast-giving time be slotted in the reception program well in advance so the toast-giver(s) can have enough time to wring up a nice speech.

If you have been invited to give a toast at a wedding and are overly anxious about it, below are some workable tips on how to give great wedding toasts.

But before that…….

Who Can Give a Toast At A Wedding?

Unlike in other types of events where almost anyone can give a toast, wedding toasts are usually given by people who are very close to the wedded couple. The best man and the maid of honor are often the first choices due to their closeness with the couple.

In some cases, such as when they’re hosting the reception party, the parents of the couple can be invited to give speeches and toasts. It is also quite common for the groom to appreciatively toast to both his bride and the guests.

If you are lucky enough to be among the people set to make toasts at a wedding, you need to be adequately prepared to take charge of the moment without embarrassing yourself, and the couple who invited you. Below are our top 4 wedding toast tips:

Prepare a Draft Speech Beforehand

It goes without saying that whenever you have a public speaking engagement, you should always write down what you want to say beforehand. This is even more important when it comes to wedding toasts. The fact that the bride and groom trusted you to speak at their event means they think you have a lot to say and you surely don’t want to disappoint them.

Essentially, prepare a short draft a few days before the wedding and try to memorize every word. As you do so, you will gradually notice the areas that need correction and adjustments. As you fix these, your speech will get better and better.

Start With an Introduction

No matter how close you are to the bride and groom or to most guests, it is important to start your speech by introducing yourself and elaborating on your relationship with the couple. This helps to create a connection with the guests who may not know who you are.

Be Brief

While toasting is important on its own, the other activities in the program are equally important too and should not be interfered with. So, you should try to keep things as brief as possible while still creating a memorable moment. The ideal length of a toast speech is 4-5 minutes, so try to stick to that.


Weddings are warm and joyous occasions and your face and body language when giving the speech should radiate your elation and excitement. Smile through your speech (and crack a few jokes if you have a funny bone) and you will find it much easier to connect with the crowd.

In conclusion

Public speaking is often a challenge to most people. However, by applying the above wedding toast tips, you will be able to give a much more confident and articulate – and subsequently memorable – account of yourself.

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